1st day : wake up in the morning n wearing blue bju kurung wif my white speck.. hehe.. me now as a kmm's student.. papai uitm arau~~ huhu..i hve chosen KMM as my nest stage to make my dream comes true.. hope this is the best choice 4 me.. huk2.. err..arrived at KMM at 11am.. lbih kurang lar.. tu pom cmpur sesat2 skali..hahaha.. u noe wat.. so many student with full of colours..hahaa. sume nyer molek2 + ganteng2 ,, me? as a simple as me..huuu.. then aku p lar daftar n dptkn kunci bilik.. no bilik B2.4.10 ,, aras 4 seyh! gler ker? very2 tired u noe.. i brougth 4 begs..hehehe.. feels like run away from home.. huahuahua.. okei.. all my roomate is gler2 +stu kepla wif me.. jnis msuk air.. hahaha ( mybe ) ... 1st..2nd..3rd days~~ ill never cry.. fuyoo~~ sengal .. xp
1st week : minggu orientasi yg membusan kn.. singing KMM n melaka's song.. hampeh.. but.. really2 tired coz so many things to do.. seb bek abg2 faci sume ensem2.. ag2 abg ashraf..hahaa.. ( mmpus aku lau amar taw :p ) then, the last day.. minggu penutupan orientasi.. they shows the vid that had happen around the orientasi'days.. so funny! the funniest things is,, one boy made a craziest statement..
" sy dulu sek laki.. sy bese gn laki jer.. bler sy dtg cni.. sy tgk rmai sgt gurl.. ta perna sy tgk gurl seramai nie.. sy sgt2 TERUJA.. sy rse seperti kt HEAVEN .. mmg best sgt2 la " hahahahaa..sengal punyer budak.. ta psal2 dye jd pames pas wt statement tu..
2nd week : kuliah start! uuu~~ so sleepy~~ every half hour i slept .. aduss..after half an hour i can fokus.. huahauhauhua..u noe wat.. very2 tired to be there,, fizik's lab da lar aras 4.. apoo~~ slim river lar jwab nyer aku nty,, huk2.. but,, mybe not coz aku da kuat mkn kt sne.. mkan smpai 4x sehari.. hehe.. bab tu amar ckp aku dak gmok..hoho..hampeh.. ooyeah.. lets meet my classmate .. very hap-pening n troublesmaker xp
3rd week : aargggh!! missh my home.. miss my parents.. misshh him so much! rndu thap gler babeng ar gua ckp lu... smpai aku wt hal kt cafe.. huhu.. u noe wat.. i tumpah kn milo pnas kt diri aku sendri.. baru minum seteguk.. patu tgn tersandung kt cwan n tumpah la kt diri sendri +kne phone aku +rusak~~
ades..malu bhai! hoho..
okei.. i think dats enough .. feels sleepy n tired.. coz ptg td p main ujan gn amar.. sian dye smpai demam.. hoho.. aku kuat lak ta demam..hahaa.. awk! jgn luper mam ubat taw.. sy shayunk awk! thanx coz awk sgup dtg jper sy meskipom awk penat kje,,huhuu.. i always miss u dear ..
psst2..ive got new phone..hehehe
ptutlah lama x nmpk? awk smbung belajae ke? oh.. ape2pun good luck ok! :)
huhuu..aah.. smbung blja kt matrix melaka.. thanx..doakn kejayaan sy eyh (;
p a d a n m u k e !
macek.. on9 ta ajk!
salam ziarah..
da lama tak makan kedai antik depan matrix tu..da pernah try?
sedap..byk pilihan..harga ley tahan
ouh.. dulu pom ex kmm ker? hoho.. lom cbe ag lar.. tkut lak nk cbe.. wee~
tu la...
hp tu mne la leh mnum air...
nk wat eksprmen lak..hhaaha
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