- Go to your photo file, select the 8th folder.
- Select the 8th photo in that folder
- Post that photo along with the story behind it.
- Then challenge 8 blogging friends to do the same.
bler da berdebat gn penuh hebat gn si tikosh a.k.a balqis.. baru lar aku paham..hahaaa.. lampi gk..bhahaaha.
ok skg tgk ni......folder ke 8 aku.. :)
haaa.. folder me n myfrens! ♥
so agk2 pix yg ke-8 lak aper ea??hoho..
nk taw! jeng....jeng.....jeng...
nie pix raye thun lepas :)
♦ nie kes kebosanan la nie.. tgu kete dbetulkn..
♦ smbil tu msej2 la gn ehem2..lalaa~
♦ spe snap ea..? haaa...ume! my lovely mom ♥
♦ senanyer ni antara baju fav aku taw!
♦ kebetulan lak sme gn fav si amar :)
okei..dah! itu jer yg ley cter psal pix nie..kang mkin melalut lak..bhahaha
skg...tag 8 blogger..haaaa..kamu! yer..kamu lar..kamu...! :)
• cik_iRa
,,sy d'tag,,tp,,intan bole gtaw x,,tag 2 cmne ae??hehe,,
oi. ang x letak 4 rule yg ak soh wat tuh. hampeh. cmne org mau thu?
adededeh.lampi? kekekeke :p
hahaha..music box : lampu tepi maa :p
shasha ikut araham nyer...
skrag dah moden. lampu kt cillig+ ade yg dlm air taw. ahaa..
oh yeke ? aku tatw la..kekeke
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